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* Vase shown is not included unless added spparetely.
* Cake are procured locally, as such the icing and design may differ.

Carnation N Lily Love

Product Id

Special Price 1,299.00


Availability: In Stock

Quick Overview

This bouquet of 15 Roses and 3 white asiatic Lilies adorned with lilies and wrapped beautifully is a gift straight from the heart


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Flower Substitution Policy
If your arrangement calls for a bloom we find to be below standard at the market on that given day, we will substitute it with one of the same character, quality, and color so that your arrangement is made of only the finest and freshest flowers.

Product / Accessory Substitution Policy
Vases, Baskets, etc. may vary. The exact accessory shown on the product image is not guaranteed and depends upon availability. The gift will not change but the accessory may vary in color, shape, etc. If a substitution is required one of equal value & style will be substituted in its place.

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